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Auto Accident and Personal Injury Chiropractic in Bloomington

Man rubbing his neck in painIn the aftermath of an auto accident or other personal injury, the initial treatment and recovery are often handled first through traditional emergent care or your chosen healthcare provider.

However, in the weeks and months following traditional care, you may start to feel back and neck pain, have difficulty with your neck and back mobility, or experience recurring headaches. This is especially true in cases of whiplash and other sudden stops from an auto accident or following falls.

At this point in your recovery, chiropractic care can be immensely beneficial in returning your body to its original function.

After the Accident, What Happens to Your Body?

Accidents happen every day. We can be waiting at a red light and get hit from behind in a motor vehicle accident. We can be trying to soothe a young child in the back seat, take our eyes off the road briefly, and end up in a fender bender. And we can even slip and fall and injure ourselves simply trying to get out of the shower.

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During these kinds of accidents, your back, neck, spine and complete nervous system can be negatively affected through actual injury to those areas and misalignments within the nervous system. We can carry tension in our muscles after the incidents, and once our body starts to overcome that tension, we begin to feel symptoms of hidden injuries and misalignments. It can go from nagging and throbbing discomfort to unbearable, life-affecting pain, preventing you from doing all that you love most.

CGI illustration of a man with a blowing spine

How Chiropractic Can Help

We differ from traditional medicine in how we approach post-accident care. During a visit to an emergency room or your traditional provider, you may receive X-rays, a prescription for pain and discomfort, and they’ll likely send you home.

At Optimal Wellness Center, we start from the beginning. After an initial assessment, including listening to your complete health history and understanding your whole health picture, you will receive rehabilitation, adjustments and any other treatment necessary to provide you with a comprehensive care plan for healing.

We’re here for you from the first appointment to your maintenance phase appointments.

Your Initial Appointment

Our friendly and capable team members will discuss your insurance and paperwork necessary for filing during your first appointment and walk you through that process. The appointment time is about the same as a routine chiropractic appointment, and while we will likely conduct X-rays on-site, we may also refer you out of the office for an MRI.

Most post-accident chiropractic plans are about 48 visits. This length of treatment plan provides the patient with comprehensive care, from symptom relief care to corrective care, and on toward maintenance care.

We Can Help You Regain Your Life!

Recovery after an accident can be painful and frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be. We’re here to help you get back on your feet and feel great once again.

Contact us today to get started on your healing journey!


Auto Accident and Personal Injury Chiropractic Bloomington IL | (309) 661-0414