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New Patients at Optimal Wellness Center

If you haven’t tried chiropractic or acupuncture before, or you’re searching for a new provider, we are eager to meet you.

Our practice treats patients with respect, taking the time to listen to your health history and current symptoms while also ensuring we take the time to educate you on what our care can do for you as you move through your appointments.

With a smile and sense of humor, you’ll soon feel right at home here.



What to Expect at the First Appointment

Before the appointment, we’ll have you fill out a form that you can access online. If you don’t have Internet access or prefer to complete it in the office that’s fine too.

We have information about chiropractic that we like patients to read over, including pamphlets and a short movie, if they’re not familiar with chiropractic, before meeting the doctor. We like to inform and educate people before they even get started.

An experienced staff member will then take you through a consultation, where they will intake information about your daily life, how you feel emotionally, mentally and physically, and any other health history information the chiropractor will need for his assessment.

Dr. Peffer will then join the appointment and perform his exam, and X-rays will be taken if needed. You’ll then receive a brief massage with our rapid-release therapy machine and a hydro bed massage. Your next visit will be scheduled for a time that’s within 48 hours.

The Next Appointment: Your Report of Findings

During your second appointment, you will receive your report of findings. Dr. Peffer will advise you of what he’s observed during your exams and suggest a treatment plan. He will also discuss the financials of the proposed plan during this appointment.

If you decide to move forward, you will receive your first adjustment and any related therapies necessary. What that looks like is specific to each patient’s needs and insurance or payment requirements. It can include rehabilitation, acupuncture, therapy on the traction table, or a hydro bed massage.

Each of the first two visits will take about an hour.

Live Life Free From Pain

We aim to have you return only a few times a week for an unspecified duration. We’re specific in determining the visits needed for your active treatment plan and helping you as you enter your maintenance. It’s our desire to see you recover, so we don’t see you every day or even every week.

The goal is to help your body become strong enough to get by coming back to visit once a week, and then once a month, and from there, whenever and however it best suits you.

Contact us today to book your first appointment. And be sure to ask about our $49 new patient special!


New Patients at Optimal Wellness Center | (309) 661-0414