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Sciatica Relief in Bloomington

woman with back painSciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, typically from the lower back, and it can shoot down the leg or stop in the gluteal region. This discomfort can range from a mild ache to sharp, excruciating pain, often caused by compression or sciatic nerve irritation.

Our Evaluation Process

Instead of covering up with a medication that wouldn’t fix sciatica, we perform a comprehensive assessment. From an alignment standpoint, it’s important to check your balance and leg lengths to see if your weight distribution is even.

“If those things are out of alignment, then you want to get those back into alignment, which is really important, especially with sciatica,” said Dr. Peffer.

The Role of Chiropractic & Other Therapies

Chiropractic works quite well to address sciatica. Our care involves spinal adjustments and manipulation to alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve. Acupuncture is also highly effective in easing sciatica. It does so by stimulating specific points on the body, promoting the release of endorphins and reducing inflammation, ultimately providing pain relief and improving nerve function.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can chiropractic interventions prevent recurrence?

Absolutely. Your back is very dynamic, and just living life is going to cause it to come back out of alignment. That’s why it’s important to have a maintenance program to stay on top of the sciatica so it doesn’t return.

Are there specific lifestyle modifications that you recommend alongside chiropractic care for sciatica management?

Yes, we usually give patients some in-home stretching exercises to do.

What can happen if you don’t address sciatica?

Left unaddressed, sciatica progresses, and it can turn into neuropathy. At that point, you would need to use particular equipment at home to treat the neuropathy. The good news is once you catch it in time, chiropractic can usually do the trick and fix it.

Take That First Step Toward Relief

If you’re experiencing persistent lower back pain or sciatica symptoms, contact Optimal Wellness Center today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward relief and improved mobility.